Written on Oct 3, 2020
This story is a chilling one, one where you can’t see any hope and one that will play on your mind. You know by now I don’t really talk about the plot of a book because I don’t want to ruin anyone’s reading adventure, and it’s completely true here. I don’t want to ruin anything here. It is a book where there is so much going on, it’s the thick of night, it’s raining, the perfect setting to scare you especially driving down lanes you shouldn’t. It is no wonder I hate driving down the lanes, daytime, nighttime, anytime!!!
The setting is its own character. It adds to your fears, it maximises all your own inner turmoils about what you would do. I mean what is the right thing to do. What would you do in the situation?
I do love the butterfly effect of the whole book. As we meet the coach passengers, we learn their stories and it opens our eyes to the links and wowzers! It was epic and well shocking. I mean you wouldn’t expect anything less from a Stuart James book, would you!! When the final link slotted in with the passengers well #sorrynotsorry I think it changed my mind on everything.
The caller was chilling, the backstory was one that pulled the heartstrings but only if you could learn to differentiate the two. With a full circle in the book, it just made me speechless.
Stuart just knows plays on your humanity. He works with a scenario of “what would you do?” I know what I would do, but not sure that it’s a favourable answer. Stuart has sucked me into his world, he has taken me on to a journey that I don’t think I was ready to go on. It is a dark depraved soul in this story, it is a heartbreaking story at the end but does it all justify the means? Despite all the goriness it gives you something to think about. Another winner in my eyes!!