Written on Jan 24, 2018
I was debating on if I should review this book or not, but because of how big vlogging is getting and how many young people watch them I realized I needed to.
The main character in this book decided she was going to start a vlog in order to make money to go to New York. All she needs to do in her mind is make videos, go viral and voila she will have money and popularity. The problem she doesn't like the way she is on camera so she decides to pay a girl who has been in commercials to be this fake persona. She writes the character and the other girl acts and they split the profit. Then another character gets added in to make more views happen as well. Add in a guy at school who attempts to blackmail her and things just got to be too much for me.
Couple major problems that stuck out to me about this book.
1. You're not going to go viral or make a lot of money as quick as this girl did unless your working with a brand already or paying for advertising neither she has going on in the beginning.
2. Faking persona's has real-life repercussions and things will get far worse than they were in this book.
3. Brands will not actually pay you that much that quickly, and if they do shady stuff is happening.
Okay having said those three things we should also talk about how I did like how in the end she realized what she did was wrong, but I know a lot of people won't get that from this book. Because the premise of it was making money quickly and going viral. Heck the girl still has followers on her new channel and yes she's being honest, but it's still tainted in my opinion.
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