Proceed With Caution:
This book contains human trafficking and discussions of sexual slavery.
The Basics:
Barbarian's Redemption is the twelfth book of the series and does reference previous events. In fact, it's a direct followup to Barbarian's Choice, so make sure you read that one at the very least. But I think you should read them all. In order. Right now.
My Thoughts:
I absolutely loved Barbarian's Redemption! Not quite as much as the previous book, but it is my second favorite so far. Bek finally has his book! Bek has been shown as grumpy and at times rude, but starting with Barbarian's Hope, we see him attempting to make amends. At least until he asks the homeworlders to bring him more human slaves so that he and the remaining unmated hunters can find their mates. His heart is in the right place, but not everyone sees it that way. Including the human he winds up resonating with.
Barbarian's Redemption goes pretty deep into the sexual slavery aspect that the rest of the series has glossed over. The original girls crashed on Not-Hoth before being sold, so for the most part they were untouched. These new girls were already being sold around. Elly had been a slave for ten years! When we meet her she's filthy, malnourished, and silent. She doesn't let anything or anyone touch her, which we know is not what any mate wants. Her coping mechanism is completely understandable, and I enjoyed watching her come back to herself.
Bek truly is redeemed in Barbarian's Redemption. While I was on his side from the beginning, I understand why Vektal and the humans were upset with him. Yes, he technically rescued those women, but he also didn't give them any choice much like their abductors. They would have ended up somewhere far worse if he hadn't requested them, but still, he kind of contributed to the sex slave demand. He does come to understand this thanks to Elly, and he becomes a much more patient and understanding person.
I just really enjoyed Barbarian's Redemption. I'm surprised at how far this series has come. It's still a fun, sexy bunch of brain candy. But it's becoming much more developed and nuanced which is nice to see.