Written on Jan 16, 2020
My rating is 4.5 stars
I have really been enjoying the Mosaic Collection!
As with the other stories, More than Enough is very touching with a strong spiritual message.
Though viewed from both Gabe and Fiona's perspectives, this is mostly Fiona's story. I loved her tender heart and desire to save as many children from the kind of suffering she had experienced herself. The seemingly frivolous, playful, woman who appeared to do nothing more than entertain the children in the hospital and attempt to cheer them up - which alone is a good thing - turned out to be a woman of substance playing a critical role in the workings of the hospital. It was so interesting to learn about what the role of a Child Life Specialist entails.
Fiona's struggle with being "enough" was captured so well. To an outside observer, it was so clear that she was an amazing woman and yet she had so much trouble accepting that. Accepting the truth that she didn't have to be "enough". God does not love us based on our performance. He is more than enough.
Author Lorna Seilstad packed so much information into this story without making it feel like it! As Gabe took Fiona on a day-long date to Tarpon Springs, I was amazed to see this quaint town through their eyes. I'm embarrassed to say that I have been there twice and had no idea of what all is there! I feel like I need to go again and really experience it - maybe with this book as my guide.
Readers who enjoy stories that are full of rich, spiritual content and have a touch of romance will enjoy this lovely story.
Read my full review at Among the Reads
I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.