Quirky Cat
Written on Aug 16, 2018
I wasn’t expecting well…most of the twists we’ve seen this time around. To make matters worse, this issue left me with so many questions (and if you’ve read the issue yourself you can problem guess what questions are at the top of my mind).
This issue is going to take a bit of time for me to process, I think. It was incredibly well written, and the artwork is fantastic. But I’m concerned for some of my favorite characters, have questions about a couple of things, and am anxious to see more of the soul stone and the plan that we were shown a hint of at the very end. I guess we’ll have to see where it goes from here.
Still, so far I’d say that the series is certainly living up to all the build-up and hype. I’m both pleased and impressed by that, considering this has been over a year in the making.
Side note: If you’re hoping to read the whole Infinity Wars plot, there’s going to be a whole lot of jumping around. Not even counting the tie-in series, it looks like there’s going to be a half dozen single run (or more) issues that’ll all connect to it. To my knowledge those include Infinity Wars: Prime (already out), Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme, Infinity Wars: Iron Hammer, Infinity Wars: Sleepwalker, Infinity Wars: Weapon Hex, Infinity Wars: Arachknight, and Infinity Wars: Ghost Panther. I told you it was a lot! So far I know that there will be tie-in issues from Thanos (his will be a one-shot, I believe) and Asgardians of the Galaxy, though realistically there will be other series as well.
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