Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 12, 2018
At first I may have been a little thrown by that fact, as well as by the almost dramatic changes in one of the characters…but then I thought about it and I realize it actually fits perfectly with the story being told. Of course that one character is acting differently than before. For one thing, we got a hint of her true personality at the end of the last issue (you know which part I’m talking about), and for another…well let’s be blunt here: there’s a reason somebody put that Reapr contract out on her, and it can’t be because she’s all bubbles and sunshine.
Speaking of the Reapr contract, there’s still no solid evidence for who arranged it. Based on what we know about how they work, that makes sense. It seems like you can anonymously start up a Reapr contract on anybody you’d like (though admittedly most of them surely never get enough funding to actually go anywhere). If you’re computer savvy it really wouldn’t take that much to ensure that your identity stayed secret during that process. Meanwhile the list of supporters for the Reapr campaign are apparently much easier to locate, which also makes sense, in a twisted way.
So I actually have a theory about the Reapr campaign, and everything about it. We know that a certain character isn’t as nice as she wants us to believe. We also know that once a Reapr campaign finishes, that person is safe for life. You can’t get another one put on you (it’s like double jeopardy, but with your life). So what are the odds that Charlie put one out on herself, likely because she was planning something big that would make her a target? But then everything spiraled out of control, because she hadn’t counted on the number of people who disliked her enough to throw money at it.
Okay, it’s obviously a working theory, but so far I don’t have any other leads. I have to admit that I love that I’m gotten so wrapped up in Crowded. You know a series is good when you can’t stop theorizing about it.
The artwork is the same unique style as before, and I absolutely adore it. It’s all bold shapes and lines combined with brighter and flashy colors. Considering the world that these characters live in, I couldn’t picture a more perfect representation of it.