Quirky Cat
Written on Sep 19, 2018
I’ll admit that I don’t know as much about the antagonist for this plot as I should. Actually, there are technically two antagonists working together here, and I don’t really know either of them all that well. Though I know both have made appearances before, so that’s my bad.
Still, even without knowing much about these guys (and thus their threat level) I’ll admit that this has been an intense and interesting plot. I can kind of surmise their threat and lack of humanity (in this case I’m referring to the way they act, as opposed to their species, in case that wasn’t clear) based on what they did to Penelos.
I’m curious to see what happens next, as I feel like this issue left off with an even worse cliffhanger than the last. Now I find myself worrying about the same character as last time, AND yet another one from this issue! I can’t take much more.
I loved the art for this issue. Jessica looked amazing, as always, and I especially loved the scenes where she was swimming around with the Penelopians in their new home. That was a really sweet touch.