Quirky Cat
Written on Oct 3, 2018
No matter what, it all ties back to the fact that Frank Castle, AKA the Ghost Rider, appears to be cosmically linked to Thanos. No matter what he does, how hard he tries; things seem to come back around to a certain point. Sure, that point may vary slightly, but hardly enough for it to really matter.
You don’t have to read the latest Thanos plot to understand this one…but it will really add a lot of insight if you did. Especially to this issue. You’ll see some iconic matching and mirroring going on, and it’ll explain some of the comments Castle made.
As for what would happen to Thanos if he was raised by Frank Castle as the Ghost Rider? Yeah, I can totally believe that part. I’m only shocked it isn’t worse, truth be told. But then again, he did a pretty good job of concealing the worst of it, I’d imagine.