Quirky Cat
Written on Dec 11, 2018
This is still the only series that I’ve seen an actual trailer for, but I hope they make more. I would have completely overlooked this series (probably throwing the completed volumes onto my ever growing TBR list) had certain points in the trailer not caught my attention.
This were chaotic in this issue, but you can see the intention behind it. The teams are getting split up, and naturally not everyone is agreeing with how things are being handled. In something this major that makes complete sense, so for me that just makes it all feel more real. I love that they’re explaining the absence of other Marvel teams (the Avengers, Defenders, Inhumans, etc) by showing them in background shots dealing with other catastrophes. It’s a great way of covering their butts, and it helps to show how dire the situation is.
I’ll admit that I’m not familiar with the antagonist they’ve revealed to us. I get the impression that I should know him, just not by the name he’s currently using. I’m going to look him up on wiki later, but I won’t want to mention either name here for sake of spoilers. I am pretty sure that we’re going to be seeing a lot of him though, since I spotted the name in a couple of other series coming out next year (if you want to take that hint and run with it, feel free to, but remember it contains a spoiler).