Quirky Cat
Written on May 28, 2020
The eerie tale of Lady Hellaine is back with Mercy #2. This is the second issue in a six-part miniseries, one that is proving to be as traumatizing as it is mesmerizing. This series has already been getting a lot of attention, not least of which because it is both written and illustrated by Mirka Andolfo.
Last we saw, our unusual lady had made her way to the middle of nowhere (aka Woodsburgh), for reasons yet to be fully revealed to readers. If that was the only disturbing element of the series, the town would be so much safer.
But no, this little town has had it’s fair share of death and betrayal, going back over a decade now. A pattern that looks ready to repeat itself once again."
Check out the rest of my review over at Monkeys Fighting Robots