Cocktails and Books
Written on Oct 5, 2013
I found not a shred of anything that made me connect with the characters. At first it was too much like the chool nerd doing the head cheerleader's homework in hopes she'd notice he's alive. As a matter of fact the similarities were uncanny. Julian spends the entie time they are on the island catering to Tasha's very need. He cooks for her and cleans up after her to the exclusion of everything else. Including the project he originally came to the quiet island to work on. She in turn is a slob who only places demands on him about what she wants him to cook and when and doesn't even help do dishes. If anything, she only insults him and continuosly makes nasty comments to him. I just found no redeeming qualities in their character. Nerd or not, he just reminded me of an overly eager to please puppy panting and begging for the tiniest scrap of attention. She just reminded me of that popular girl in school who knew she was attractive and took it as her due that alal the boy swould do whatever she wanted them to if she so much as deigned to look in their direction and said a few words.
WIth likeable characters, this may have been a passible story, but I'm sorry. the characters only annoyed me and the fact that I could feel no emotional connection with either one only made things worse.
Reviewed by Iris for Cocktails and Books