Cocktails and Books
Written on Aug 3, 2014
I do not know if this is this author’s style of writing as this was only the second book I’ve ever read by this author, but when you have the hero telling the heroine that he doesn’t want to pressure her into making a decision of being turned, then in the next breath tells her that he will not have sex with her again unless she decides to turn, I don’t know about you, but that to me smacks of pressure. He starts the mating process without her consent. There are just points during this short read that, regardless of the fact that he was buried alive for 2000 years, the hero really isn’t very likeable. Perhaps if it the story had been longer and the readers were given the opportunity to get to know Brolach it would be different. However, as is, even though it has great promise, it just didn’t quite do it for me. It felt too rushed and too many small details were left up in the air. There was so much potential in the storyline that wasn’t reached. Had it been a longer book, I have no doubt the author would have definitely surpassed my expectations.
Reviewed by Iris for Cocktails and Books