Cocktails and Books
Written on Sep 7, 2014
Kelly Leblanc is a sub that plays at Club Fantasy. She has played with most of the top Doms but has not found one of her own. She trust the owns of the Club to set her up with Dom’s. Tanner Sloat is a Dom who introduced a new game to Kelly. Tanner is Dom who know his limits and seems well trained.
The chemistry between Kelly and Tanner is blistering. The connection between Kelly and Tanner grows the longer the spend playing together. The sex scenes were scorching hot.
I found this book is very well written with a unique plot. The main and secondary characters were fascinating. At thirty-one pages long, this story had a well-defined beginning, middle and end. The ending of the story was a bit predictable but it was more the ride to the end that was more important. Overall, this was a great book.
Reviewed by Victoria for Cocktails and Books