Written on Dec 21, 2015
Also, this book made NO SENSE! First of all the heroine was WAY to stupid to live. She hides out from Novak...wait for it...in her apartment!! Ya, no way that crazy ass Russian mob guy is gonna find you there!!
Second of all, what the hell is with the diary?! First rule of criminal school is DON'T leave a written record of said criminal activity!! Second, if for some asinine reason you decide to break rule number one, take better care not to leave said record behind somewhere!
Then he threatens to ruin her career because she stole his diary and wrote a FICTIONAL book based on it! She wasn't trying to pass it off a real, so how exactly was he going to ruin her career? Let us not forget he is a RUSSIAN MOBSTER, I am pretty sure he isn't going to call the cops about a stolen diary...save me from books that make no sense!!