Written on Nov 24, 2014
2.5 stars, very generously rounded up to 3.
This book was sweet, a bit too sweet for me. The first half of the book has the main character's whole world falling apart, all of it happening on one day...haven't read that one before. She then spends a little time on an Irish island where all the people are either insulting her or saying things to her that she doesn't understand. But surprisingly she falls in love with everybody and saves the Island from ruin. Her love interest knows her for about five minutes, then declares his love, they kiss, then....fade to black.
My biggest problem with this story is that the first half of it was inner dialogue which is not something I like.
This book is perfect for Grandma who likes good, wholesome, clean romance and no fecking (I'm not swearing Mum, honest) to be seen.
This book didn't work for me, but it may be perfect for you.