Written on Mar 9, 2017
***IT'S ALIVE***
I remember the days of needing a Do Not Disturb sign.
I’m not going to tell you about this story, I’m going to share with you a few of my thoughts and feelings.
Well, she (the heroine) is very out...Read more
***IT'S ALIVE***
I remember the days of needing a Do Not Disturb sign.
I’m not going to tell you about this story, I’m going to share with you a few of my thoughts and feelings.
Well, she (the heroine) is very out there...obviously desperate. (a little sneer)
This is not at all like the Layla Frost stories I’m used to. (scratching my head)
OMG!! She did not just do that? (shock/horror)
I can not believe he’s going along with this… (dumbfounded)
Did Layla Frost get abducted by aliens? This is not at all what I was expecting. I guess I should have read the blurb first. (A wee bit concerned that someone is posing as Layla Frost)
Seriously, this chick (the heroine) is WHACKED!! Where the bloody hell is she going? Poor bloke…he deserves better. (shaking my head in disappointment)
No…she didn’t???? (crossing my arms and tutt tutting)
OMG!! She did…NO!! (devastation)
Oh…Oh…OHHHH!!! Of course… (DOH!! Smacks head)
(giggle, snort) …there you are Layla Frost. This is more like it. (I should never have doubted she'd bring out the funnies...the snark...and the sexy)
I ended up loving Do Not Disturb. It was easy to relate to the characters, the situation and the extent a person will go to, to not be disturbed. There was comfort in realising that I’m not alone in needing to find a connection with someone special. Do Not Disturb is sexy, smart and a great little escape from reality.
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -