Written on Jul 9, 2016
Cinderella’s got attitude.
I started Stranded with the Scottish Earl late the other night and only read the first 10% of the book when I took a little nap. This is not uncommon. I can be as tired as hell and a little nap will revive me enough to get another couple of hours reading in. Oh, the life of a dedicated reader…
Anyways…This little nap was different from most because I stepped into the story. I was there. Mind you, I was just an observer and it was like I was watching the story unfold live. I’m standing, my hands clasped to my bosom a big smile on my face and so excited when someone taps me on my shoulder. I look behind me and I'm surprised to see no one there. I looked up and there is Anna Campbell with a very displeased look on her face. See, it was kind of like I was on a stage but in miniature…sort of like the puppet shows of old. Ms Campbell was not happy that I was crashing the scene and proceeded to explain that my attire (tracky dacks and a long sleeve t-shirt) was not appropriate for the ambience. I did ask very nicely if she could give me an appropriate outfit, but alas I woke up before getting a chance.
Well, going from my memory because of course it had to be accurate (wink, wink) Hampshire in March was dank and miserable. Ewan Macrae, Earl of Lyle was handsome, cheeky and very much besotted with the very pretty Cinderella he meets. Now, Cinderella may be dressed in rags but she isn’t very convincing playing the part of Flora the housemaid.
Cinderella/Flora is really Charlotte Warren and way too confident to play a convincing servant. These two meet after Charlotte’s father, Sir John, decided Ewan would make a good husband for his beloved daughter. Sir John sends a quick message to Charlotte to inform her of his great find and that the Earl will be coming to visit her soon. This does not give Charlotte the warm and fuzzies because she has no intentions of marrying and had planned to spend the rest of her days managing her father's property.
Ewan had been in London with plans to find a wife. He meets Sir John while shopping for horses and they form a friendship. Over a few drinks, talk turns to family and Sir John can’t help but share his love for his strong and wilful daughter. For some unexplainable reason, Ewan is intrigued and wants to know more. When he sees a miniature of Charlotte he feels an overwhelming need to meet her.
Charlotte and Ewan’s first meeting is very amusing and what follows is a short story of love at first sight. We then see a determination on Ewan’s part to convince Charlotte to give him a chance. Charlotte isn’t easy to win over but when she looks past his good looks and sees the man inside, she can’t help but fall for him.
Yes, this is like a fairytale with love at first sight, arranged marriages and heroes who step in to save the day. We're not meeting a gentleman that's afraid of getting his hands dirty. This hero is all man and shows the heroine what he is made of dirty hands and all. These short novellas by Anna Campbell have become some of my favourite historical reads. I hope she continues to do more in the future.
I wonder if Anna Campbell will let me stick around a bit longer in my next dream?
To buy Stranded with the Scottish Earl from Amazon - http://amzn.to/29WpEQV
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -