Written on Apr 28, 2019
If you took away most of the relationship angst, you get an Alexa Riley. I've been reading the Ghost Riders series on my phone in all those in-between moments of life. They make me laugh A LOT with their OTT insta-love but sometimes it's nice to think people just connect successfully.
Not all of these instalments were fantastic and we definitely get one that makes you want to kick a fella in the ding-ding. That particular one, probably was different from Alexa Riley's usual in that the hero was a bit too real. He's dealing with stuff and he doesn't let the love of his woman fix it straight away. He does come good and in the rest of the series, he's just as you would expect. The other heroes are just what Ms Riley promises.
I enjoyed my little visit into the world of Smutty Smutt but I admit that it couldn't and wouldn't be regularly featured in my reading mix. But, once in a while, it's good to take a ride through the world of Smutt.