Written on Dec 29, 2018
I was attracted to this because of the woman in the red coat, mainly because I want her red coat! But then the hook and the book title drew me in, I mean at some point we have all sent a text/email to the wrong person, all having consequences maybe not murder but all with fallout to resolve. This was no different.
The interesting thing about this novella, is the quick glimpse we get into Emily’s life, the mistake of the text and how it affects her life. Friends have lied to her and rows with Stuart her partner are escalating.
This book did keep me guessing to who was the killer and it the ending was extremely satisfying all wrapped up in this novella. It packs a punch and there is a lot of suspense and I just wish it was longing. I will definitely be checking out Ms Douglas other novels if this is how she writes her books!
This is still free to download on Amazon if you wish to sit back with a cuppa and dive right in!