Written on Nov 9, 2019
I purposely did not read the blurb and went in completely blind and it was a fab tale to do so! Meeting Alexander Gregory was a treat, as a psychologist who used to head up an elite criminal profiling unit until a scandal hit. He now has his own practice, working with a woman who is quite awful, gaining reflection on her past was so harrowing and I am glad when that part of the story was paused as Gregory is shipped off to Ireland to help solve a case.
When I first met Gregory and seeing the way his mind his ticks reminded me of Hugh Dancy’s character Will Graham from Hannibal and the way he could see into the minds of people and re-enact the scenes in his head. It might be because Hugh Dancy played that character, not sure but it definitely had that feel to it! I also loved that the main person in this book is not a policeman trying to solve the crime but a man of the mind! Plus I did find I was at the time easily distracted by Mr Dancy and his voice – strewth!
I am always intrigued by small tight-knit communities that hate outsiders and this was no different. The police could not accept that the Mayor had requested outside help in solving the murders, does not help that the Mayor is also the mother of the police officers who also have their own secrets to hide. The first murder was so heartbreaking, especially how the mother was found and by whom. Then to get a slight inkling to the person going on their stalking missions were creepy!! Makes you wonder who is watching you.
Then that ending!! I didn’t realise I was near the end already! It was so well done and has left me hankering for Book 2!