Written on Oct 6, 2017
Rereading for the #getgraphic readathon.
The hype leading up to The Morrigan is fucking everything.
I absolutely loved the second issue in this. Laura’s character was fleshed out a little more, which I enjoyed reading, and the other gods got name dropped. Luci (Lucifer) inducted Laura as her personal minion, and sent Laura on a task to one of the gods, The Morrigan, but that task got shot to hell (I think, the issue ended on a cliffhanger).
The art is my favorite part of this comic book, so far. The writing is decent, and the plot itself has been interesting, but the art is freaking gorgeous. Oh so pretty, and I love pretty, colorful images.
I’m still recommending this, and with only 2 issues out so far, it’d be a really good series to start, I think. I’m not sure. I’ve never read a single issue series just starting out. But, it seems like kind of a good idea to get into it now. Although, I’m craving the third issue, and I won’t be getting that til midish/latish August. Which is a bummer.
Luckily, comics have an easy re-readability, and when issue 3 comes out, I'll just re-read the first 2 to keep the story fresh in my head.