Written on Dec 23, 2020
Lucy is our main lady, headstrong and has been jilted by her husband. Her hot husband who also happens to be now famous! Famous for being a chef, think Gordon Ramsay famous. He left and she didn’t follow, but now he is back.
This is my first book by Belinda and I loved this story that she told. A woman who won’t take any nonsense but also one who knows when she is wrong and I will admit I quite liked her even when she was losing her mind. Her estranged husband Oliver, he may be beautiful but I kept too-ing and fro-ing with how I felt about him. Did I like him? Was he good enough? Alas, that wasn’t my decision to make! This however made the story feel realistic, it was not a case of oh I love him lets be in love forever or oh I hate him let me run away with someone else. It was about two people wondering if they were able to still make things work despite what had occurred.
Once I sat down and started to read to this, I found it such an easy read to get into and lose myself in. I found Belinda’s writing so enticing, she writes as if she was having a conversation and I found that the book just flowed. As I said it was a cute read and a fun read and I know I will be back again to read another book by Belinda. I just found out this was Belinda’s debut, so if this is the start you just know it will get better and better!