Written on Oct 11, 2018
I loved that this is another book I have read where we have a seemingly, dare I say, perfect family on the outside and behind closed doors well it is a completely different story. In this story, it is Marianne, a woman who can not do anything to make her husband Simon happy. He just wants to show off his wife and children. Simon, well DOUCHE is what I think of him! I really can’t understand how he gets off acting the way he did! Shocking! Makes me so angry!!
However, as much as I love these domestic noirs I do get upset with the way women always get portrayed as good for nothing, someone to serve a man and then the physical side, the way they are treated. I know it happens in real life and it is harrowing but I hate the way it is portrayed in books. It makes me so sad and angry at the same time. It is, however, very now I feel with the #metoo movement, and yes it makes for some heightened reading.
I questioned the motives and the behaviour of one character, I mean seriously what was I reading? Could they really be like this or was it a complete red herring? Well find out yourself and tell me what you think!
Who the hell is Caroline?
Well once you get past the build-up and the scene setting you need to hold on to your hats…..literally! You just can not see where we were going with this story, and shockers of all shockers, I mean a clanger is dropped and I did not know how to deal with it! Well, I did, I carried on reading!
This was a furious page-turner for me, I had to know what I was reading, I had to know what the truth was! It had me gripped, I couldn’t and didn’t want to put it down. I love books that make you feel like this and get you invested in the storyline where you feel like that you can affect the plot just by reading it!