Written on Jan 5, 2018
I really enjoyed reading Henge! I love the twists on Camelot (I now feel like I need to read the original sometime soon) and it's always fun to see magic in our modern day world.
This story focuses on Morgan, a fire user, who is competing to be Prince Arthur's right hand man. I tend to love books with competitions like that and this one was no exception! The plot is fast paced and full of little surprises and some mystery so there was never a point where I was bored.
I also found the characters to be really interesting. There weren't really any characters I'd considered 'good' or 'evil', most were a mix between the two which made for a nice change. Even our main character seemed to struggle with what's right and wrong so I'm very interested in seeing where her character goes next!
If you love retellings and are looking for something different than the usual fairy tale retellings then try picking this one up! I don't think you'll be disappointed!