Written on May 19, 2019
I went in knowing it was a short story but I couldn't help but want more. This series has been one of my favourites by Tessa Bailey and I'm so glad she gave us a glimpse of how Birdie was travelling.
Jeremiah is the kind of hero that every girl should want. I couldn't help but think he had a remarkable resemblance to my hubby. Mind you, my hubby is not 6ft 1000. The resemblance is in their thoughtful and caring ways of looking after their perfect match. Even from the beginning, like Jeremiah, my hubby was conscious of my needs and aware of my health highs and lows. I loved that Birdie saw in Jeremiah what others refused to look for. A good man beneath the scary facade.
For a short story, it certainly packed a punch. IT WAS SEXY!! I mean, for a couple of college kids with very little experience, they sure got to know their stuff quickly.
I cannot recommend this series highly enough. You could read Halfway Girl by itself, but the other two books really would enhance the experience.