Written on Aug 23, 2019
The writing style was pretty good. It was told in present times as well as flashbacks (30 years ago). It helped create a special atmosphere.
The plot itself was intriguing as there was a lot going on - a bit too much at times. I think I was supposed to like or care for Mr. Halloran, but I didn't, not really, which was a shame. He just fell flat for me.
I have to say that one of the things I loved about this book was how cruel it was; Sean sexually assaulting Eddie, the Priest raping the little girl. It was cruel, yet well written.
The ending:
I definitely didn't see that coming, Eddie having taken Elisa's head. Wtf was that all about?! Also, him not remembering the word there at the end. Definitely a "fun" ending that I thoroughly enjoyed!