Romance Schmomance
Written on Feb 17, 2017
Naturally, before starting a book, I tend to skim through the reviews to see what everyone is thinking. And I was quite surprised to see the mixed reviews, it wasn't what I was expecting especially when Lyons does an amazing job creating wonderous worlds to get lost in.
But as soon as I was working my way through the book, I totally understood why! Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. Just like most of us, she'll drive you insane with her thoughts and silly decisions. However, I have a feeling that people forget that she is a teenager. She's extremely immature and that's evident in just about everything she does in this first book. Having a character that's so immature, it means she has so much room to grow and its not until the very end that we start to see any movement. It's a slow pace, but she ends up learning new things and starts to understand why things are the way they are.
Lyons has created a fantastical magical world and I am quite digging it. We have creators, emotionals, elementals, the list goes on. Chloe is one of the strongest of her kind and the rest of her life is already mapped out for her. Like any teenager as I'd imagine they would be, at such a young age it's tough to grasp the acceptance that you have very little say in your life. A lot is to be expected of her especially after she reaches her full potential.
Not only does she have that hanging over her head, you have parents who are barely there, living among magicals that she knows very little about, and a boy from her dreams that is her ONE. Her connection. Jonah. But to make situations messier, said connection has a twin brother who she has another connection with. Kellan. Oh, and magicals are being killed off, and Chloe and her loved ones are being targeted.
In any typical teenager life, it's dramaful! This is a true YA people, get use to it. We have Chloe, the supposed powerful creator (seriously can't wait to see how powerful she can get throughout the series), Jonah and Kellan (the studly emotionals)... We have a hot mess.
I truly enjoyed this book, I'm not one for too much drama, but I expected it coming in. Teenagers in love, it's a tough life and we've all been there before. Gosh, I don't miss those days one bit. I've never been a fan of love triangles, but in most cases you tend to favor one. Well good luck with this one, you're bound to love both of them. Even though, Jonah and Kellan are twins, they're so different and you'll love each of them for different reasons. I've never loved a love triangle so much in my life!
There will be a huge question looming over your head for most of the book and I think it's pretty evident what the answer is even before its revealed by the end. But now that we know it, what the hell is suppose to come of it? It just seems like pure torture and heartbreak, how can everyone be happy in the end?! I don't see that happening, someone's going to hurt and that's for certain.
I can't wait to read the next in the series, Lyons is an amazing story teller who is fully capable of describing a world so well, it almost feels real. You'll easily get lost in it all and wish you could be there too. If you can't deal with the teenage drama then maybe you shouldn't read YAs... Hehe. It's a well rounded book that you'll just be eager to see what is to come of all these magicals. Will Chloe be able to accept her fate and be the strong woman that everyone needs her to be? What will unfold in this love triangle?
**Book received for an honest review**