Written on Mar 1, 2016
From the very beginning of Risking It All it’s pretty obvious that Griffin Montgomery likes saving people. Others call it a hero complex, but in reality, it’s more about his need to make sure that people are safe. He and his best mates survived a very traumatic situation when they were in high school that changed their whole lives. They became famous which wasn’t a great thing when they were fighting the demons that haunted them after their harrowing experience. This had led them to lead lives away from the spotlight. The spotlight is a little hard to avoid when you are five good looking fit blokes, who lead busy lives…and one of them is a hero. This hero unintentionally brings himself into the spotlight again when he risks his and his crew’s life by saving some people wrecked at sea. The hero is Griffin and he’s a chopper pilot for the coast guards. This situation saved those people but left Griff grounded for taking too many risks. Back in the spotlight, grounded for taking risks and questioning what could happen next…
Chloe is a professional letter writer. She likes to take her paper, pens and notes to a coffee shop and write her letters there. Chloe likes normal, lives normally and thinks she is normal. Unfortunately, it’s more that she hides behind her normal façade. Chloe has also lived through her own harrowing and haunting experience while she was in College. Because of her experience, life has made her hesitant to be adventurous. She has chosen to live a quiet life going to the coffee shop, catching up for regular dates with her best friend Summer, her brother David and her mum. That’s it. On one of Chloe’s normal visits to the coffee shop, thing veers a little away from the normal when she meets Griff. This meeting changes everything.
The risk taker and adventurous Griff organises a first date that he hopes Chloe will find exciting and interesting. Unfortunately, Chloe can’t relax and is stressed to the eyeballs. It was a pretty cool date, but definitely out of her comfort zone. Griff and Chloe have to find a happy medium. Griff has to realise that not everyone needs to be occupied, moving and exploring. Chloe needs to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. Both of them must get past their fears and long term issues to make this relationship work. One of their first stumbling blocks nearly derails things before they even get a chance to get going.
I ended up enjoying Risking It All for its light-hearted and humorous story line. The characters were sweet, considerate and amusing. While both the hero and heroine had lived through very traumatic situations, you could see that they both felt they had conquered their issues when really they were just buried deep. Starting this relationship has led both of them to face some realisations that shocked but also helped them to finally move on.
I did have a few struggles, but by the end, I was able to get past them. Their major hurdle seemed blown to smithereens and drawn out way too long. The relationship between the five blokes seemed a little too much. Yes, I knew they’d lived through something big, but they discussed everything including their feelings. It was just a little too touchy feely. Additional characters were introduced but really had no use and seemed to be added for no reason.
Overall, Risking It All was funny, sexy (even though the SEXY times didn’t happen until way later in the book) and interesting. I’m definitely interested in hearing about the other Naked Men.
I received a complimentary copy of Risking It All via Netgalley for an honest review.
To buy Risking It All from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1RiKLK6
I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -