Written on May 31, 2021
World in Their Hands is a collection of short biographical sketches of 17 environmental philosophers and activists curated and written by Steve Johnson. Due out 1st June 2021 from Rowman & Littlefield, it's 254 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This is an interesting layman accessible overview of the conservation movement over the last century. The essays are each roughly ten pages in length and include vital statistics (birth, death, family connections) as well as their involvement and contributions to world conservation. Many of them were familiar to me already but not all of them. I found it an engaging and learning-rich read. The book is sparsely illustrated, but there are some black and white photos of the subjects themselves and places they visited, studied, or fought to protect.
The author has also included a short resources and links lists to modern conservation organizations and links for further reading.
Four stars. This is an information rich nonfiction book and would make good selection for library acquisition or home use.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.