Written on Nov 16, 2015
Andy Griffith and Don Knotts are icons of American television. They met while on Broadway and then reteamed in the 1960s on The Andy Griffith Show playing a small town sheriff and his deputy. They both went on to have careers in individual projects - Don in Three's Company and a variety of movies and stage productions and Andy in Matlock and many TV movies - but they were always best together.
This book is a story of their lives and friendship. Both were awkward kids from the south who tried to make in it show business and failed. They tried again and became stars. Their friendship survived three marriages each, alcoholism, drug addiction, and affairs.
Andy was groomed to be the star but he recognized Don's brilliance and let him shine. He won 5 Emmys and Andy never won any acting awards. He was always proud of Don. Unfortunately, he wasn't as nice to the women in his life. This book glosses over his domestic violence in an era when it wasn't taken all that seriously. He was brutal to people who he felt had betrayed him and he held grudges that went on for years.
Don seems like the nicer guy. He was a lifelong hypochondriac with symptoms that got worse whenever he had to perform live. He was addicted to sleeping pills to help control his anxiety. Women loved him. This book was written by an investigative reporter who was his brother-in-law in his third marriage.
If you are a fan of any of the TV shows that they were on, you will probably enjoy this book. Just be prepared for the parts of their lives that don't bear any resemblance to the clean cut characters that they played on TV.This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story