Baroness Book Trove
Written on Oct 23, 2018
Will Lucy be able to accomplish everything she set out to do this year?
Wicked Witch Murder by Leslie Meier is my second book of the Lucy Stone series. I am grateful to have stumbled upon this series when we got 2 books set on Kindle. This story is a great read, and I didn’t figure out who did it. I once again fell for the red herring. Then again I wasn’t the only one.
The Main Character
Wicked Witch Murder’s main character is Lucy Stone. She’s a great character in my mind. She is even more developed in this book, and I love the commitment she’s trying to keep between her kids and her job. Lucy is a great journalist, and it shows in the story. It shows because of the focus on it throughout this entire installment. And that is all I will be able to say about that.
Lucy, once again, just wants to try to find out what happened to Malcolm and what is happening with her new neighbors.
The Love Interest
This time though we didn’t see much of Bill which is quite sad. The parts we did see him makes me happy. I adore how this couple keeps on moving forward as nothing has happened. They make it look easy with all of their kids and grandkids around.
The Villain
Now I can’t exactly spoil it or why would you read the Wicked Witch Murder. Let’s just say beware of the red herrings. There are quite a few of them, and they can totally fool you. That’s the way it went with me.
Five Stars
I am giving Wicked Witch Murder by Leslie Meier’s a five-star review. I loved this book, and I got this book in a box set called Halloween Murder. This book was brilliant and the mystery kept me guessing. I love when a book keeps me on the edge of my seat.
Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove