Herencia: Cómo Nuestros Genes Cambian Nuestra Vida Y Cómo Nuestra Vida Cambia Nuestros Genes

by Dr Sharon Moalem

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En este libro, el doctor Sharon Moalem hace gala de su amplia cultura en diversas disciplinas para acercarnos de una manera entretenida y accesible a las ciencias genómicas. Con base en investigaciones recientes, que contradicen la vieja premisa de que nuestros genes se determinan desde el momento de la concepción, el autor sostiene que es posible modificar nuestra herencia genética. En este fascinante volumen comprenderás por qué una dieta que resulta saludable para la gran mayoría, podría resultar letal para otros. O por qué un analgésico, por lo general inocuo, puede ser mortal si se tiene una secuencia particular de genes. O bien de qué modo una persona con una condición genética rara puede ser la clave para encontrar la cura de una enfermedad que afecta a millones. Este texto pionero cambiará para siempre tu perspectiva acerca de tus genes, tu salud y tu vida.

In this book, the author, a physician and writer employs his wide-ranging and interdisciplinary approach to science and medicine, explaining how art, history, superheroes, sex workers, and sports stars all help us understand the impact of our lives on our genes, and our genes on our lives. He explains new concepts in human genetics and health that indicate that the fundamental nature of the human genome is much more fluid and flexible than originally thought. He reveals how genetic breakthroughs are completely transforming our understanding of both the world and our lives. Conventional wisdom dictates that our genetic destiny is fixed at conception. But this book shows us that the human genome is far more fluid and fascinating than your ninth grade biology teacher ever imagined. By bringing us to the bedside of his unique and complex patients, he demonstrates what rare genetic conditions can teach us all about our own health and well-being. In the brave new world we are rapidly rocketing into, genetic knowledge has become absolutely crucial. This book provides a roadmap for this journey by teaching you why you may have recovered from the psychological trauma caused by childhood bullying, but your genes may remain scarred for life ; how fructose is the sugar that makes fruits sweet, but if you have certain genes, consuming it can buy you a one-way trip to the coroner's office ; why ingesting common painkillers is like dosing yourself repeatedly with morphine, if you have a certain set of genes ; how insurance companies legally use your genetic data to predict the risk of disability for you and your children, and how that impacts the coverage decisions they make for your family ; how to have the single most important conversation with your doctor, one that can save your life ; and finally, why people with rare genetic conditions hold the keys to medical problems affecting millions. This book will alter how you view your genes, your health, and your life.
  • ISBN10 6077356506
  • ISBN13 9786077356509
  • Publish Date 1 September 2016
  • Publish Status Active
  • Imprint Editorial Oceano de Mexico
  • Format Paperback (US Trade)
  • Pages 248
  • Language Spanish