Written on Nov 20, 2014
Another insta-star for getting me to feel something, but goddammit, in Volume 5, I thought I was beginning to understand something...and then I read DEMERITS and now, I'm back to being freaking lost.
Go me!
The story:
Time traveling is still ensuing, new mysteries that seemed like they were taking shape and were going to be answered are now just even more complex and the answer is so far from sight, I don't know if what's going on will ever even be answered.
The characters:
Poor Hisao! I'm going to miss him like crazy. I really liked that character, and his sacrificing himself for his brother just made me love him more.
Hunter's new group seems intriguing. I know they're going to play an important part in the upcoming volumes, but I'm just not sure how useful they will end up being. Information is important, and I believe they'll have answers for the students (and hopefully for the readers as well), but I also think it will be so easy for the teachers to stop them.
The art:
Again, maybe I'm just now finally noticing, but the art was sloppy as hell in this volume. I'm actually happy there weren't that many pages, because I ended up just reading the words and moving on - the visuals were bothering me that much. If I wanted to just read a book, I'd read countless of others I have out from the library.
I wanted to read and visually see what I was reading in a comic format, and I was just completely disappointed with the art in this volume. It took away from the words, and I've never had a comic's art distract in that way before.
I know it was bound to happen, as I began venturing into the comic world, but I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.
Anyway, I'm planning on sticking with this series, although, I think I'll just keep waiting for these volumes. I do think I'm going to have to re-borrow the previous volumes and make a journal or timeline with what's going on, because there are things that are happening, and since I don't have the previous volumes, it's a little hard for me to remember why I should care or who certain characters are (or if I had met them before).