Written on Nov 8, 2014
So, when I went to the library on Tuesday to vote, I decided to browse the graphic novels for some quick reads. There were a lot of volume 2 through whatever other number, but not that many volume 1s to pick from. I saw that this had all of the volumes available, so I grabbed the first three.
The writing:
Honestly, not that great. FOR A BETTER FUTURE felt like it was trying a little too hard to be this deep mystery, but all I felt while reading it was dissatisfaction. Had I not grabbed more than one volume of this, I wouldn't have continued to series at all. It didn't feel like it was going to be for me, and I blame the writing and the characters for that.
The characters:
So we have six teenagers all with the same birthdays and with very Breakfast Club-esque personalities. We have the geek (Hunter), the princess (Mary Sue...excuse me, Casey), the goth (Jade), the bad boy (Ike), the jock (Jun), and our slut shaming character (Zoe). They all felt generic and I didn't give a damn about any one of them. I just couldn't connect to them at all.
I know I was supposed to love our heroine, Casey, especially since she guessed quickly that something wasn't right at Morning Glory, while all the other newcomers were these clueless imbeciles, but it just didn't work for me. There wasn't really any foundation for her knowledge or understanding that made sense or was explained. It felt forced so that the reader knew exactly who to root for.
The art:
I really liked the artwork in this graphic novel. I loved the colors, and while I didn't care for the writing all that much, the art did bring the story alive.
Overall, had I not taken out Volumes 1 through 3 of Morning Glories, I wouldn't continue this series. However, I read FOR A BETTER FUTURE so quickly, I decided to move onto Volume 2 before bed.
I'm not sure I would recommend this series, based on the first Volume alone, but I'm currently writing this while reading the third volume, so I'm just going to say that the writing has gotten better, and while I'm still not a fan of the characters, they're growing on me and so is the plot. Would recommend if you don't have anything else to read at the moment.