"Robinson in Space" is a visual, satirical record of a journey made by a fictional character called Robinson, narrated by his travelling companion and researcher, through the increasingly unknown space of present-day England. Robinson quotes Oscar Wilde: 'It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible not the invisible'. His assumptions about economic failure, especially in manufacturing industry, are gradually challenged by the discovery of an industrial economy that employs few people but still generates most of the wealth of the fifth-largest economy in the world. "Robinson in Space" incorporates material from the award-winning film of the same name that was released just before the British 1997 General Election. The book juxtaposes the narrative and over 200 intriguing, strange-yet-familiar images from the film to take the reader on a fascinating journey through the landscapes of present-day England.
- ISBN13 9781861890283
- Publish Date 1 January 1999
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 4 March 2021
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint Reaktion Books
- Format Paperback
- Pages 240
- Language English