Quirky Cat
Written on May 15, 2018
Dark Fang is about a vampire trying to save the world, but not for the reasons you’d expect. Valla is aware that the world is going to hell; and while she doesn’t understand terms like ‘environmental protection’ she certainly has taken up the cause. This is a different twist on vampire priorities, and it makes for a fun read while also giving the reader lots of food for thought.
Dark Fang isn’t your typical vampire story, and that’s why I ended up liking it so much. It’s fun and witty and has a very strong point it’s trying to make about environmental protections. As a bonus the artwork is absolutely stunning.
I’m not going to lie, when I picked up the first issue of Dark Fang I immediately started questioning what I was getting into here. The introduction is literally a pervert watching a cam girl video (I’m not judging viewers here- but I am judging the guy for doing this on his phone while out on the streets, it’s creepy and frankly it’s not a very smart idea to give your phone that much attention while walking – as this guy learns). The intro actually ended up being a humorous point, as well as a unique introduction for a vampire character.
Seriously, think about it. A vampire that’s been asleep for the last hundred years (or in this case, spending her time deep in the ocean) would miss out on a lot of the advancements the human race has seen. Thus she’d be quite behind on the times, so learning how even the simplest things work would take time. Having her first introduction to society being through a camgirl feed…would be interesting. She’d see people fawning over this girl, and in some instances literally paying her for her actions (another thing she’d be figuring out is how digital pay actually works). Not to mention all of the overwhelming tech involved. So as weird as this intro seemed, I’m actually pretty happy with it.
Getting into the real meat of the plot was what made this story shine. The creators weren’t afraid to be blunt about the circumstances of the world, and their opinions on the matter. I certainly respect that. Having a vampire be the champion for the planet is an interesting concept. I’m not going to argue that Valla is doing it for altruistic reasons (though I do think she’d be sad to see her sea creature friends continue to suffer and die) – let’s be honest here, if the world dies then so does her food source.
Valla’s methods for dealing with this threat are interesting. She’s still learning about modern society – so it takes her a while to figure out the root of the problem. Some of the moves she makes are humorous; while others are so drastic that I’m not surprised she drew the attention of a hunter.
There were a lot of points I really enjoyed this series, and even the points I didn’t (like with how many abilities Valla has) I can’t deny that the artwork wasn’t striking throughout the entire series. Especially the covers – that’s what caught my attention in the first place.
I’m honestly curious to see where this series is going to lead. At first I thought I had a good grasp of the end goal in mind, but things have been steadily twisting in a different direction than I expected, so I can truly say that I have no idea what is going to happen next, which is a great way to ensure that I’ll continue reading it, so say the least.
For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks