One night a year, Santa J. Claus delivers presents to the children of the world...but for the rest of the time, he's protecting the world as the top secret agent of the Xtremely Mysterious Agency of Secrets (X.M.A.S.), dishing out his own brand of justice to the world's most dastardly criminals. Santa and his Little Helper, newly qualified X.M.A.S. agent Jingle Bells, are on the trail of Dr Cumulus Nimbus, who's hell-bent on creating a new ice age...and Santa hates snow! Can they stop the evil plot before the world is snowed under?
- ISBN10 1847151477
- ISBN13 9781847151476
- Publish Date 30 September 2010
- Publish Status Active
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint Stripes Publishing
- Format Paperback
- Pages 144
- Language English