Written on Feb 26, 2018
The story is set in the late 19th century, with the main action taking place in two very diverse locations - London and Altnabreac. Edgar Brim, the main character in the story, has to overcome many fears to hunt down a mysterious 'monster', who could possibly be responsible for the death of a number of people, including Edgar's father. Along with one of his professors, two of the professor's grandchildren, and one of his friends, he follows the trail of this monster leading the group of hunters from a bleak cemetery in the highlands to the stage of the Lyceum Theatre in London.
Some of the characters in the story are actual people from the time of the novel, such as Bram Stoker and Henry Irving, made the reading more engaging. There were also plenty literary references to keep the book nerds happy. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel soon, which will probably lead me to the third book, once it is released.