Written on Apr 15, 2020
Hour of Need by Melinda Leigh was recommended to me by one of the women in the COYER FaceBook group. It wasn't picked for our book club so Anne and I decided to buddy read it. I borrowed it from Kindle Unlimited and I loved that the audiobook was available too. I actually listened to about half of this on audio while I worked on my diamond painting.
I really enjoyed Hour of Need. It's been awhile since I've read a romantic suspense and this one hit the spot. There were a lot of twists in the last 25% of the book or so and I didn't see any of them coming. That is one of my biggest requirements for reading a romantic suspense. I have to be able to be surprised. If I'm not it tends to leave me a little bored. I was not bored at all here.
Grant and Ellie make a good couple and I was really pleased with their story arc. Of course they had a lot going on but Leigh still found time to develop their relationship. I also appreciated that they had to work for it a little bit.
The only issue that I had and it is a small one for me is that the characters were pretty black and white. Each character was clearly good or clearly evil and they stayed on that path throughout the story. There is some back story to the baddie but it doesn't really add to the scale so much because you are to believe that he is evil and nothing more.
I liked this book quite a lot. It kept my attention and the narration for the parts that I did listen to was great. Anne and I decided to go ahead and buddy read the next book in the series for May. I'm looking forward to it!