Written on May 17, 2016
I don't know why some people are so against reading self-published authors. I have found some real gems by going off the beaten track so to speak, and this is one of them. Ok so the writing is not as polished as it would be with a traditional publisher but it is still great.
This book tells how you can run your business your way as an introvert. The book is geared toward introverts, but anyone can find some tips in here to use. It talks about cutting through all the information and just does what feels right for you. I know me for one feel overwhelmed with all the information that is out there with blogging and such. I use some of it like on how to pin effectively and the email newsletter thingies but some I am just like fuck it I will do it my way, and it is working so far.
It also talks about drama in real life can impact business. This struck me so hard. It was like someone had taken finally smacked some sense into my thick head. I was so hung up on my ex that it completely took over my life. I read this, and I realized that the ex-had to go. So I broke off all ties and OMG my business has boomed. I am so much more focused, and I am not constantly in tears over something that he said or didn't say. I tell you that alone was worth the price of this book.
This is a short book I read it in a couple of hours but if you want to know how you can do business your way and how to get through real life messy situations that hold you back then this book is worth the read. Like I said before it woke me up to the fact that hanging onto my ex was actually interfering with where I wanted to go with my life so with the help of some tough love from my friends and armed with the advice with this book I moved on and my life and business is booming and I am the happiest I have ever been,
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land