Written on Nov 20, 2013
As the author mentions at her preface, this book is very much straight to the point. It provides readers with advice about how to go about marketing and promoting their newly published novels, how to approach book bloggers for review to using social media and handling book signings and other social events where you can talk about and feature your novel. As a book blogger who does receive the occasional request here and there to review a novel, I do appreciate the format and information that she provided on the subject of approaching a blogger for review–nothing irks the blogger more than receiving requests where it’s not even addressing the blogger or it’s clear that he or she did not really look at the blog. The only few things I would’ve liked to have seen more of in this reference book were more examples or stories from the author’s experiences regarding unheard-of book signings and advertisements.
Overall, this book was easy to read and goes straight to the point with regards to marketing and promoting a new novel. I highly recommend this book to aspiring writers and newly-published writers. I imagine this would be an especially valuable resource for writers who are self-publishing as opposed to going through the traditional route.