Written on Feb 24, 2019
MAD About the Trump Era is an anthology collection of typically sarcastic, caustic, MAD humor. Due out 7th May 2019 from DC/Mad, it's 128 pages and available in paperback format.
Mad (and E.C. comics) has a long history of lampooning current events, culture, politics, etc. I grew up on a steady diet of their skewering everything from climate and films to political figures. I have been a lifelong fan of Mad, and still follow Sergio Aragones, Al Jaffee and others from those halcyon days. This collection adheres to the spirit of those bygone days, if not stringently to the contributors.
Many of this collections' entries are from the MadBlog or other issues of the magazine. They're all indexed and credited in the table of contents. This is a collection to be read a little at a time, lest the reader be (literally) saddened and nauseated by the state of the union.
Anyhow, this collection is full of brutally sarcastic humor. Basically everyone with any sort of profile in the Trump orbit gets skewered in this collection.
I enjoyed it in small, measured doses. It's important to remember to go read something else for a while if readers find their blood pressure spiking or experience desperation and/or depression.
Four stars, love Mad magazine.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes