Since the publication of the first edition, a new version of the VHDL standard has been agreed and analogue extensions to the language have also been adopted. The second edition of Digital System Design with VHDL includes additions in two important areas; sections on writing testbenches have been added to relevant chapters, and the addition of a new chapter on VHDL-AMS and mixed-signal modeling. The unique approach will be appreciated by undergraduates in Electronic Engineering and Computer Engineering in all years of their courses and by students undertaking postgraduate study. There is also a proven need from industry for graduates with knowledge of VHDL and the associated design tools and this book will be an asset to engineers who wish to continue their studies. .
- ISBN10 1405838957
- ISBN13 9781405838955
- Publish Date 8 December 2005
- Publish Status Out of Print
- Out of Print 10 February 2009
- Publish Country GB
- Imprint Pearson Education Limited
- Format Paperback
- Language English