Written on Jul 5, 2017
I first heard about the book on an ElleChat, and I was all like I MUST READ IT AND BECOME MORE GOLDY PRODUCTIVE.
I have to be honest at first I was kinda irritated when he spent the first half of the book telling that we don’t NEED to be productive to have God’s love. I was all like DUH, but then I thought about it, and a few people came to mind that I would like to shove this book under their noses and be all like SEEEEE….
Then I read on, and I came across one of the best explanations of Justification that I have read in my life. And I have read many. The way this author explains it though blows every other way I have heard it described out of the water. Seriously this man is a genius. For that reason alone I was all ready to buy a bunch of books and pass then on to all of the “legalistic” Christians I know. If only I had that much money.
Then I read on. I could sympathize with the author because I hit the same kind of “snags” that he did wit the Getting Things Done Method. All this time I thought it was just me and that I was too stupid to have a “mind like water, ” but nope it seems that many other people had the same issues that I had faced. That alone made me feel better.
Then we get to the part of the book where he gives us is a way of overcoming the issues that trip so many of us up in the GTD method. I don’t want to give alllll the details away because I want people to buy the book cause believe me this is a book worth buying and keeping near you. I will tell you this much, this man is a genius for coming up with the method that he did. I have implanted it into my workflow, and it had helped me tremendously.
One thing I was glad to have read was that it takes other people a couple of hours of writing or working on something to get into the flow. I had thought since I had read the book ‘Flow” that I was just not great with whatever I was doing and I lacked that something that people talk about when they are in their sweet zone. It turns out I was giving up too soon. He explained that creatives need long stretches of time to work on things and to reach that sweet spot. I had previously only allocated 2 to three hours a day for writing. After reading this, however, I sectioned off whole days just to write. No editing, nothing like that. Just pure unadulterated pouring of words on the page. I can finally say that I have discovered my sweet spot. It turns out that all these years all I had been doing was a warm up and not the actual sport.
Truthfully I feel that this is a book that everyone should read. If you are not a Christian, you can skip over the first part and just read about his methodology. It is genius. It takes GTD to whole new levels. If you are at ll interested in maximizing your productivity, then get this book ASAP!
This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land