Written on Oct 23, 2021
This wasn't what I was expecting AT ALL. I realize that it's a paranormal romance, but I'm almost go so far as to say it's more light erotica with a side of paranormal.
Since I went in expecting one thing and got something very different, I was a little disappointed. At first, I was okay with the hot heavy, because it was really well written and I saw it as a really interesting plot point that had interesting possibilities. But the exploration of sexuality was much deeper than the exploration of the paranormal elements - which had SO MUCH potential. I wanted to understand this world better, I wanted to get to know the way magic and shifters worked in this world better, and was left with so many unanswered questions in that vein.
I think the characters and world had great potential and I'm curious to know if the series that this is a novella for has more substance or is equally focused on the sex. I don't mind erotica - I enjoy it sometimes - but I like the plot to feel meaningful and this one ended up falling short. I would give Scarlett Dawn another chance for sure, though because there was a lot of potential and things that interested me. And maybe if I approached with the right expectation I wouldn't be disappointed.
This qualifies for COYER Fall Scavenger Hunt Item #22 - Read a book with a one word title.