Written on Feb 16, 2021
The Big Bad Wolf in My House is an accessible and age appropriate book about domestic violence. Due out 2nd March 2021 from House of Anansi on their Groundwood imprint, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This is a beautifully simple book with clear language aimed at younger readers with an important message, which ends with a note of positivity. The subject matter is admittedly difficult but so vital. The author uses allegory and recognizable characters (the big bad wolf) to illustrate some of the normal reactions to domestic violence. The art is whimsical and appealing despite the heavy subject matter. There is *no* overt violence (or bad language) depicted in the book - just referred to in the text.
This would make a superlative selection for home/school/public library acquisition, healthcare professionals, social service professionals, counselors, domestic violence shelters, classroom, or similar. It would also make a good story-time read which could function as a bridge to more in-depth discussion with a younger child.
Five stars. Very well rendered.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.