Written on Mar 7, 2019
As a small business owner, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve. As soon as I heard the sample for Tools to Succeed, I knew that this audiobook would be an invaluable asset to me. I've never had any kind of formal business education, so Tools to Succeed was a welcome listen. As I was listening to the sample and debating whether or not I could get anything of value from listening to the entire audiobook, I found myself taking mental notes of valuable tidbits, just from the sample. I knew that if I was already deriving value from a 5-minute sample, the full audiobook was definitely worth hearing!
I was not wrong. Paez's concise writing style was extremely digestible. Some of the information discussed in Tools to Succeed is bound to be basic to those already well-immersed in the business world, but to me, it was enlightening. Tools to Succeed is a great introduction to business. Paez utilizes inspirational quotes from recognizable figures, primarily Albert Einstein, to motivate the listener and drive salient points home. He breaks the audiobook up into four main points, using the four Ms: Mindset, Money, Marketing, and Management.
Certain portions of the audiobook were more relevant to me than others. As a one person business, the bits about delegation and management don't necessarily apply to me right now, but they may in the future. I found the chapter on God out-of-place and distracting. As someone who does not regard herself as a faith-based individual, that chapter was not only irrelevant to me and even a bit disconcerting in a title that isn't specifically marketed to persons of faith. In an audiobook that's only an hour long, I was disappointed to have not been able to get anything out of an entire chapter in it. If I had been reading this of my own accord and not as a review request, I would have skipped over it entirely. However, I can see that religious individuals would gain inspiration from applying the "let go and let God" attitude to their business, as well as personal life. If you are a faith-based individual, this complaint will likely not apply to you. If you are not, I recommend skipping the chapter. It isn't very long.
Other than that, I can't tell you how much I got out of listening to Tools to Succeed. It's a one hour version of a Business 101 course at the cost of $4.86! I definitely plan on listening to it again, probably multiple times. I really want to internalize the individual concepts. I like that the audiobook download comes with PDF charts that are frequently referenced during the audiobook. During my first time listening, I was not in place to look at these reference materials, but I plan on studying them in detail during my next listen. While listening, I had the frequent urge to take notes. Paez offers multiple nuggets of wisdom that I want to remember. But since I was listening in the car, I'll have to take notes during my next listen, as well.
Paez not only covers 101 topics, but also some more in-depth business models and concepts. Towards the end of the audiobook, he begins referencing specific number related examples. I'm particularly eager to re-listen to and further process these sections. I view Tools to Succeed as valuable reference material and I will doubtlessly be putting the concepts learned in it to immediate use in my business.
Narration review: Pam Rossi provided a clear, articulate, and easy listening experience. Her pacing was natural and she held my interest effortlessly. She presented the concepts discussed in a professional manner that allowed me to concentrate on the topic at hand, rather than her narration. The recording was high-quality and contained no distracting elements. If you are interested in Tools to Succeed, the audiobook comes with my highest recommendation. ♣︎