Emma (SCR)
Written on Aug 13, 2014
Avery made me laugh a lot. She had landed her self a job at Premier Airlines but is petrified of flying, I mean talk about ironic. So her job it's just to pay the bills and buy clothes right? She doesn't care about a career she just wants to find a nice rich man and then look after their future children. The problem is that because of this she's being stereotyped as an empty-headed fashionista.
Then Avery somehow lands herself a role in the documentary about Premier Airlines. So she starts to pretend she actually cares about her work. Her videographer, DDG (Drop Dead Gorgeous) Deke sees through her pretence and really challenges her. He makes her re-evaluate what she want's from life. He makes her see that just because things don't work out how you thought they would or they are 'supposed' to doesn't mean that it's not the better outcome.
Aven has a knack for writing the perfect man. I mean in Connectivity we had William, hmmmm then we had Harrison in Waiting For Prince Harry who didn't love him, and a Aven has a few WIP men which let me tell you are scorching, I can't wait for you to all read them!!! Deke is of course no exception. With his old t-shirts and his challenging questions how could you not fall for him. Oh and did I mention he is hot..like DDG hot! He's also a little bit damaged. I really felt for him and when he opened up to Avery. I was sitting on my sofa crying, thinking boy this man needs a hug...
The JFK scene really got me. It was so sweet but it also showed everything that Avery had learnt, that you should fight for the things that are important, no matter what it takes.
I honestly can't give this book enough praise and I don't think this review has done it enough justice but I hope you all one click this right now.