Written on Oct 31, 2013
Stuck between the cops on one hand and a crazy party scene on the other, Aaron befriends Morgan Baskin—a cute but troubled rich girl who might be his link to the supplier. But just when he realizes he’s falling for Morgan, the unbearable weight of his lies threatens to crush them both.
I was really looking forward to reading this book because the premise sounded really good and well, this book didn’t quite live up to my expectations. You see, I couldn’t really connect with Aaron as a protagonist and that is where a lot of the problems that I had with the book stem from. If I can come to care about the main character then I’ll finish the book and even like it but with Aaron, I just couldn’t get there in the caring department.
This book starts off with Aaron getting pulled over by the cops with his little sister. The cop finds some weed in the car and before Aaron knows what’s what, he’s going undercover…as a narc. The writing style in this book was very confusing at first. I mean, we’re getting things from Aaron’s perspective and it was really hard to follow at times and so for me, it was a whole lot easier to put the book down and then come back to it to try again.
And that was the thing with this book, it was much too easy for me to put this book down and concentrate on something else. I couldn’t relate to Aaron and his thought processes drove me crazy and it didn’t get any better when the end was near. By then, I was surprised that it was already here but a little relieved that the end was in sight. I can honestly say that this book wasn’t for me. I wanted so much to like this book but it was too hard for me to finish. I mean, Aaron goes undercover at school, trying to get in good with students that he thought were dealing drugs. Trying to get invited to parties so that he can scope out the scene. He hated what he was doing but he had to do it, to stay out of trouble. He meets a girl and knows that when she finds out that he’s a narc, she’s going to hate him forever and even though I got the feeling that I should have felt bad for Aaron, I just, didn’t.
Going into this story, I had high expectations but the story just wasn’t for me. I wanted so much to like the story and the characters but I never really warmed up to any of them. Ahhh well.