Written on Apr 1, 2016
Tom Foreman had been a good cross country runner in high school. He'd been good enough that he could win without training or taking it seriously. Over the years he had done some running but not seriously. So when his daughter wanted him to train with her to run a marathon, it was a big commitment for him.
Once that first marathon was done he kept running. Soon he found himself investigating the world of ultrarunning or running distances longer than 26 miles. He starts to train for a 50 mile trail race - spending hours a day running in spite of his busy schedule.
I hate running but I love reading books about running. It is weird.
I really don't like reading books that focus on father-daughter relationships so I hesitated about picking this one up but my interest in the ultrarunning world won out. Besides, this is one of those books about a person doing something new for a year and I just can't resist those.
I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed that he had a history of being a runner before this started. It wasn't like running a marathon was a completely foreign idea to him.
This is a good introduction to the weird world of people who run long distance and what it takes to be a part of it.
This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story